Several evergreen Christmas wreaths.

The Less I Do, the Happier the Holiday

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At this time of year, I have to remind myself that everything executed annually from November to January doesn’t have to become a “tradition.” If I do something once and it works well, I have a tendency to do it year after year. I never put thought into whether or not my constantly evolving life can accommodate it. I just pile it on. Before I know it, I’m running around like a hen with my head cut off doing chores and activities that I’m pretty sure I don’t enjoy.

Because tackling countless holiday tasks swiftly takes the jubilance out of my jingle bells, a couple of years ago I adopted the motto, One less wreath at a time. I looked at everything on the list and made decisions about what was realistic to expect of myself and what was going to send me straight to the naughty list. I cut back slowly, one gift, Christmas card, and event at a time. Please note a novice mistake I made when I started doing this: I told family members. Horrible idea. “Awh, but I love the way you set up those white lights in the corner of the mudroom. Christmas just won’t be the same without them.” Today I just take things off the list and I don’t ask for anyone’s permission or approval.

Now is the time to fight that urge to make lists of what I feel I have to do and devote time to making decisions about what I do not have to do. As I’ve been told, everything is on my plate because I put it there. The more realistic I can be with my own expectations of myself, the more the spirit of the season can fill my rested heart.

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