Busy New York City street with cars in traffic trying to turn as people cross in the crosswalk.

Feeling Trapped by Urgency – And What I Can Do About It

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As the world opens up more, and all of the end-of-the-year activities are a’ glow, I’ve been getting nostalgic. Remember when all we did was sit around in our jammies all day and watch TV? The paperwork was done, emails were returned, we had time to finish the laundry… Can we go back to that time?

Why did I like it when it wasn’t so busy? It’s easier to do things perfectly when there’s less stuff to do. When there’s more to do, there’s less of a chance that it’s going to get done right. When things stop getting done right, I start to feel out of control. The more out of control I feel, the more I do to feel in control. And so, my pre-corona everything’s an emergency cycle begins.

It’s time for Mags to CTFD. My friend explained to me that urgency, for her, is a sign that she feels trapped in some way. She went on to explain that if she feels trapped, she might not have to change something big, she might just have to make a few little adjustments.

Tune in for next week’s blog, when I’ll share about the little adjustments I’ve made that have allowed me to feel so much more in control. Like, the good control… recovered control. The ‘control the stuff, not the people’ kind of control. Just come back next week, you’ll see.


And (if you haven’t already)…


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  1. ooooooh. Cliff hanger, I’m hooked,………urgency=feeling trapped!! xoxo

    • Ok, good.
      I’ll connect this Friday with more info!

  2. can’t wait !

    • Thanks Christine–I’ll get cracking on that follow-up post 😉

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