A view of the length of a train.

Going to Extremes – Finding a Corona Balance

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If you’re on TeamConfessions, you know MamaDe has issues with technology. The thought of kids being in front of screens all day can put me on an Acela train headed straight for Micromanagement City. As distance learning lingers on in Guildford, I’ve had to watch the kids’ Chromebooks light up with things that have nothing to do with academics throughout their school day. This triggers me to feel personally responsible for monitoring every online step these four little twerps make. But when faced with that impossible task, I quickly flip to, I’m just going to resolve that the internet and social media will raise them now. I’ve done all I can do for them. Good luck, kids.

This is how I think when I’m exhausted. All or Nothing. Because I know this about myself, I remember that I have other options. Options that are found in the middle… like, setting guidelines:

-If you’re going to be on video games when you’re supposed to be doing school work, then no games after school.

-You have to run around after school before going on any other screens.

-You can have the TV/video-game remotes when your chores are done and you’ve handed in your Chromebook because all of your homework is completed.

I don’t know, TeamC—I’m just throwing ideas out there. But what I do know is that this is an entirely different school year and parenting in burnout-mode can mean that I put expectations on myself and others that simply aren’t fair.

I was reminded this week that I can be, Concerned but not consumed. That sounds perfect. The concern is going to be there—we’re beyond the point that this is just a blip in their childhood experience. But if it’s consuming me, I’ve gone too far. I need to be reminded to CTFD right now. Stay the course, get off the Acela, and hop on the local. Breathe.


If you need more reading on finding the middle, you’ll enjoy reading: Switch to Dimmers

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