The other day, I was listening to an interview with the singer Jewel, who was talking about the fact that the poorest people she knows are always the most generous. Why? Because they truly understand need. They’ve often had to depend on the kindness of others to get through hard times, which, in turn, makes them want to return that favor to others. Thank you, Jewel—I really needed to be reminded of that.
While I’m more than happy to donate to causes and volunteer my time, I really still struggle with being generous with things in my little bubble: food, clothes, my space. When I get to the heart of what’s going on for me, my struggle with generosity stems from a fear deep inside that there’s not going to be enough. Enough of what? It doesn’t matter. Just, that there’s not going to be enough of it.
Holding onto my stuff is another delusional way I try to exercise control over my life and the things in it. The illusion is that if I hold things close and stockpile, I’m in control of my life, and not the other way around. But, it’s plain for anyone looking to see: this isn’t a crisis of sharing, this is a crisis of faith.
Stuff doesn’t matter. People matter. I’m embarrassed to think about how much I can hurt people in my pursuit to control and protect “stuff.” While I’ve gotten a lot better at this, Easter is a nice time to think about restoring my trust that, no matter what, there’s always going to be enough. Always. And the best way for me to practice that faith is by giving freely to others…as long as they don’t expect me to share my Peeps, we should be good.
More on sharing (I love the quote in this post):
Are You Good At Sharing? You Must Be the Oldest
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Beth says:
Love this! Similar to what SV reminded me early on in our relationship ~ give more, worry less. Happy Easter to Team D?
mags says:
****** I LOOOOOOVE THIS ******
TEAM!!! Read what Beth reminded us of from my buddy SV
****** GIVE MORE, WORRY LESS ******
Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom Beth!
And as always, SO wonderful to hear from you~
Ginger Wessel says:
This makes me think of the widow in the Bible that gave two mites… which was all she had to give. She was not afraid to give that – which seems amazing to me. I think giving is so important – but I can be the same way. I’ll give what I want to give and what is safe at the moment. Thanks for the reminder to be giving!!!
mags says:
Oh yeah!
That quote that I love from the other post that I always think about is, “It’s not giving unless it hurts.”
While all giving doesn’t have to hurt, when I feel a little sting, I try to remember that quote and it helps to know:
This is REALLY giving Mags, do it! Do it!
kelly tonks says:
You are generous of heart , time and love, shared on your posts. I love,” it isn’t a crisis of sharing, a crisis of faith.” Thought provoking. The answer isn’t found in what i lack or grabbing what i have, its awareness of what i already have and letting go of what i dont need.
Kelly xo
mags says:
Awe, thank you Kelly!
I really needed that reminder of “letting go of what I don’t need”
Sometimes a heaviness comes over me, and I forget that it might be due to the fact that I haven’t SHED the “extra” recently.
Spring is here — it might be time to shed the excess…
Julie Fitzpatrick says:
Thanks for the reminder, & thought of Peeps, Mags!
mags says:
Julie, thank you for taking the time to check in even with your hands so full.
There’s been a lot of Peep trading over here on Boston Street.
Hope you’re getting some sleep with that baby, baby!