A portrait of a woman with a pierced nose smiling.

Salute – Walking Away From My Photography Business

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After having it in the back of my mind for 20+ years, last March I got my nose pierced. I had the honor of being a keynote speaker at a convention and one of the messages in my talk was not to waste time—just live your life. And while the piercing might sound like it underwent a long decision process, on Friday I didn’t know I was going to do it, and by Sunday I had another hole in my head. My heart was telling me it was time.

The mind knows no answers. The heart knows no questions. ~Buddha

Now, my heart is telling me to walk away from MagsDePetrisPhotography. I won’t waste anyone’s time explaining our decision, I’ll simply share that I just know it’s the right decision for us right now.

I don’t ever feel like I’m somewhere I’m not supposed to be. I’m just trying to listen to the voice that tells me when it’s time to leave. The blog will continue to live and grow in this space and my cameras will continue to capture this active and wondrous life of ours… Oh, and this video might give you an idea of the kinds of artistic projects my soul feels drawn to now—Salute (click to view video)

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    Welcome to my blog! Here you can read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.

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    I would love for you to join me as I work to undo these old patterns and evolve to create a more serene and accepting existence. (And you should know that I still want to ear flick the little knuckleheads {this includes my husband} when they don’t rinse a dish before putting it in the dishwasher — always a work in progress.)
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