Rows of bleachers include a crowd of people seated while they watch the game being played in the field below.

If I Always Show Up for You, I’m Never Showing Up for Me

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An opportunity for me to get away for a few days with a good buddy comes at this time every year. Yes, this time of year when there is a whirlwind of games, parties, activities, and events. Having to make choices about missing things so that I can take time to refuel has given me a chance to look at my belief system around showing up for people in my life.

Showing up is both a way I express my love for others and a way I like to receive love. What I didn’t always understand though is that, very often, when someone doesn’t show up, it has nothing to do with their love for me, it simply means they’re doing what’s best for them. I can choose to be hurt by their decision, or I can take a lesson from it.

There was a time when I thought missing important moments was crucifixion-worthy. I’m so grateful others taught me that, while being there for the people is a fundamental pillar of love, there are times when it’s just as important to show up for myself.

Thanks friends, Mama’s off to Martha’s Vineyard!

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