A view looking up at the front of a church. A sign hangs above the doors of the church. The sign is rainbow colored.

Sister Church – The Importance of Being Vulnerable With a Trusting Family

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Several weeks ago, G took the kids away for the entire day to protect them from a very burnt-out MamaDe. That morning I had a 4-way video call with some of my sister-in-loves. We stayed on the phone for hours talking about everything under the sun and decided that we needed to do it the following Sunday. And Sister-Church was born.

I have five sisters by marriage and one sister-from-another-mister. While reflecting on everything we’ve discussed over the past eight corona weeks, I’m reminded how important connecting with these women truly is for me. When I share things with my sisters, they listen; they offer understanding, guidance, acceptance, and love. I allow them to see me as I truly am, and I accept them as they truly are.

Of course, there are people in my life who aren’t safe to share private things with. My confessions can and will be used against me in a court of flaw. But my sisters and I are trying to cultivate a space where that doesn’t happen. And taking time to build that love and trust is not just an investment into my own peace and happiness. These are the women my children look up to. And these are the women who teach the kids things we can’t teach them. These are the women who demonstrate that there’s more than one way to live your life. These are the women we depend on when we’re in need. So I don’t think this time on Sunday mornings is just about us. My hope is that this deepening of our relationships is something that will come to benefit our whole family.

I can’t wait till Sunday.

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