A focused view of an arm and hand on a table. On the wrist is a hospital identification bracelet.

I Need a New Kind of ER

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Before we left for the Emergency Room last week, tears began pouring out of my face. G-Man understandably assumed it was because of my pain. But, I wasn’t crying because of pain, I was crying because I didn’t have the physical strength to hold back my tears.

This same thing happened when I was in labor with all four of our children. I didn’t begin crying because the labor was so intense, I cried because my body was so dedicated to the business of birth that I could no longer devote strength to holding in my emotions. Any time my body is being challenged physically, I simply can’t hold in the tears. And the funny thing is, I’m never crying about something specific. I’m crying about everything.

As I explained in Pyramid Theory, I’m in touch with what I need to be the best person I can be. And, for whatever reason, releasing my emotions is the one thing I need but don’t often make time to do. While I wouldn’t recommend a trip to the Emergency Room for a good cry, it was the perfect reminder of the other ER I need but rarely get—Emotional Release.

And no worries friends. I’m back on my feet, feeling great, and I’m right back to ignoring my emotions.

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