SUMMER P-L-A-N #1 – Summer Sanity for Mama

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As the last day of school quickly approaches, it’s time to think about the summer plan. And, as I mentioned last week, I don’t want to make the same mistake this year that I seem to make every single year. That same summer mistake that comes in the form of signing up for a special seminar, increasing my work obligations, and overscheduling the kids. Do you know this one? It’s the “trying to accomplish too much in the summer” mistake. Aside from gaining weight (which I’ve come to accept), or forgetting to look ahead in our calendar (which has tripped us up many-o-time), thinking I’m going to have “free time” is the overriding, paramount misstep of my summer planning year after year. But this year I’m going to Summer Plan my way to freedom. We can do this, TeamC!

I’d like to start by focusing on what I can do for my own mind, body, and spirit to invite more serenity into my summer days.

MIND: Work and Phone
When I try to do too much professionally in the summer, my overcommitment always results in resentment because I’m constantly being interrupted. No change, no change, so I’m shifting my work hours and my expectations for and of myself.
And, I’m not sure exactly when my phone went from working for me, to me working for my phone, but that’s exactly what the transaction feels like. Summer is the perfect time to put some distance between the two of us. 

BODY: Planning Church
Recently, on Sunday mornings, the first thing I do when I wake up is to create a “Master Plan” for the week. Activities, appointments, games, meals, etc. I also come up with my food and exercise plan, and it all goes in the calendar or on the grocery list. This ritual not only makes everything so much more peaceful, it also makes me so much more likely to show up for myself when “me time” is actually in the calendar.

SPIRIT: Awareness and Connection
I was taught that under the belly of planning is consciousness. When I have my head down and I’m going from one thing to another, I’m not really aware. I’m also not consciously connected to myself or to the people around me. Connecting with others is my favorite part of summer, but I have to be present to feel that connection. Nothing makes me more unified with the present moment than knowing I have nothing in the future to concern myself with.

When I devote a short amount of time to planning the week, it allows me to take into consideration the needs of both myself and everyone around me.  Creating a conscious summer plan feels like such a beautiful use of time, and I’m hoping it really has an impact on my summer complaining. Fingers crossed!

Next week I’d like to acknowledge the fact that, while I don’t want to over schedule the summer, an idle mind is the devils playground. TeamConfessioners, would it surprise you to hear that—I’ve got a PLAN!? We’ll chat about that next time. And, I’ll give you a hint: it can make you feel like you’ve lost 10 lbs in one afternoon! See you soon~

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  1. Thanks Mags –
    Planning has never been my strong suit, but I’m willing to give it a try… all in the hopes of having a sane, relaxing and rewarding summer. 🙂

    • Best of luck Daniel!

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