Color image of an 1980's boombox.

Summer Rewind #4 – Happier Thanksgiving

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Yes, Team, you heard that right. We’re playing a Thanksgiving rewind from November of 2021, but stay with me! Summer for TeamDePetris means a lot of family gathering. And, I love a reminder of the best way to make my extended family members feel heard and seen. My hope is that this talking tip will help you too.

And, while you might be tired of me reminding you, I just have to mention the TeamC Summer Submission Campaign where our very own Confessions subscribers get to take a stab at writing a Confession for all of us to enjoy in Season 9. Click the link to get all the important information about submitting.

Meanwhile, here’s another writer’s tip:

Try using your phone to record yourself talking about the topic you’d like to submit. Voice recording is how every single episode of Confessions begins: by verbalizing a thought I have while brushing my teeth, people. I grab my phone, open up the app that has a bunch of vertical lines (it’s called Voice Memos on an iPhone), tap the red button on the bottom, and start chatting. Before I know it, I have a podcast episode! I encourage you to give it a try.

And now, the time you’re all been waiting for: Thanksgiving in July!

Happier Thanksgiving

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    Welcome to my blog! Here you can read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.

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