Since pausing my professional photography business in March, the children’s activity schedule has monopolized a startling amount of my waking hours. And of course, it’s not the time spent with the little angels that’s daunting, it’s the amount of correspondence that’s associated with every single thing they do that I find painstakingly overwhelming. The bombardment of emails, texts, calls, Evites, Sign Up Geniuses, mail, and flyers feel a lot like the 1958 movie The Blob. The trailer warns:
It crawls! It creeps! It eats you alive!
You ain’t kiddin’.
Of course, ignoring The Blob completely makes it grow, but it also seems to swell if I give it too much of my attention. It’s like, the more I try to gain control over it, the bigger it becomes. And ironically, the two things that help make The Blob recede are often the first two things that disappear from my life when the schedule fills up.
It’s so easy to become distracted by the dings and rings and forget that it doesn’t make me a better person or parent if I stay on top of it all. The absolute best thing I can do for myself, my spouse, and my children is to figure out how to get a smile back on my face and CTFD. For me, that means carving out some much needed time for cognizant quiet and prioritizing time with my friends. Oh, and blasting a lot of 80’s rap. If Rob Base, DJ E-Z Rock, and Lyn Collins can’t help shrink The Blob, I don’t know who can.
It takes two to make things go right
It takes two to make it out of sight
Hit it!
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