Nothing would make me happier than to report that I pulled my act together this week. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The truth is that it feels like someone keeps moving the end zone. And this week it’s not only father away, but entirely hidden. World…? Where’d you put the flippin’ end zone?
That panicked pursuit of something that I think should be there but isn’t, is precisely what’s been driving me mental. And, if I weren’t so burnt out, I might have remembered: When I can’t find the end zone, stop searching for it.
So, yesterday I did something different.
Instead of spending more time lamenting about my lack of a reliable routine (and the reality that interruptions flow like fall leaves here these days), I went back to an old tool that’s always worked for me. I plan out my entire week from minute to minute. While my days are filled with lots of things that just need doing, I make sure to include the things I need to invite serenity into my life. I put in wake-up times, work, food shopping, laundry, workouts, meal prep, meditation, bedtimes—you name it, it’s in there.
And here’s the thing, I spend about an hour or so pulling it all together, and then I never look at it again.
I don’t do this so I can hold myself to a strict routine. I do it because it provides perspective on how I spend my time. It also proves that I add to my own stress when I run around in search of end zones rather than peace.
What can I do differently? When I take a step back and look at how my time is spent, it turns out there’s a lot I can do differently.
~If you’re interested in trying this method, CLICK HERE for an example of how I set it up~
Welcome to my blog! Here you can read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.
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