Color image of a dead trout on a pewter platter. The image is taken from above looking down on the twelve inch fish.

What’s That Stench? The Smell of Denial

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Someone enters the room and says, “What’s that smell?” I look up and ask, “What smell? I don’t smell anything.” Ex-act-ly.

Very few issues in my life show up smelling like a dead fish. More often, the stench of my problems seem to gradually approach. Because of this, I can live side by side with my issues and not even realize they’re there. This can be because I’m not ready to smell the issue, or because the foul odor has been festering so long, I’ve gotten used to it.

Abuse in a relationship, anxiety, depression, addiction, poor self-care—over time, these are just a few examples of things that can creep in and become very settled into my everyday life. So, what do I have to do to actually be able to smell the problem?

One way is to trust (rather than be offended by) those loving messengers who come into my life to bring these things to my attention. With no agenda, these people guide me toward what’s best for me and our family. I can also get quiet and listen to my inner knowing. That feeling inside me that knows something stinks, but I just need the courage to actually do something about it. 

To recover, and truly be able to smell what’s going on in my life, I need to step away and clear my senses. I also need to bring someone from the outside in to help identify exactly what’s in front of me, and what steps I can take to clear the air. For me, the best help doesn’t come from the internet, a book, a podcast, or any other form of media. The best help I receive comes from other human beings. People outside of the situation who have clear senses. But it’s up to me to reach out for help.

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  1. Yep – thanks, Mags.

    • Thank YOU Julie!

  2. Love this analogy! Great advice and insight, now just to follow it…..

    • Thank you Susan, and you’re so right. It’s one thing to identify it, and another thing to “follow it…”
      TEAM WORK! It’s the only way for me – My buddies seem to be the only ones who can come in and tell me what I’m dealing with 😉

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