This weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to give a talk at a convention. One thing that stood out to me was that, on Saturday night, I was on stage as the keynote speaker and the next day I was just another student learning in the audience. It brought my attention to how much things can change in 24-hours.
On Tuesday one of the children was sassing me. I kept my cool, but before I knew it, I was chasing the little wise-ass around the house. And not inside the house, outside the house. Full disclosure, the only reason I didn’t grab the bugger in the front yard was because we live on a busy street. I just simply didn’t have time to get arrested—I had a photoshoot at 9:30 am. Exactly 12-hours later, I ship you not, the twerp was kissing me and singing, “Oh Happy Days…Oh Happy Days.”
Whether it’s 12-hours, a week, a month, or years, I’m reminded of the classic phrase: This too shall pass. I loved having an opportunity to share my experiences with hundreds of people, but I also loved sitting amongst hundreds of people and listening. Parenting can be a son-of-a-gun one day and a hoot the next. And, Tuesday morning wasn’t a total wash, now I know that you can register your child for military school at age seven—I’m golden.
Welcome to my blog turned podcast! Here you can listen or read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.
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