Three boys on a beach. One boy, his shorts falling and exposing part of his bottom, scratches his head and looks forward toward the other boys.

Humor Is Serious Business: 3 Things to Ask So I Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

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This week, I was thinking about humor. The serious business of humor. Why is it a serious business? Because having relationships is essential and it’s just no fun being around miserable people. When am I the most miserable? When I’m taking everything in my life too seriously.

It’s amazing how fast my panties can get in a bunch and I lose all connection to a situation. Within seconds, my ego takes over and thwarts my ability to grasp the bigger picture. Panning the camera back to gain perspective can make all the difference. 

These are the 3 questions I ask myself to make sure I’m not taking life too seriously: 

        1. Will I ever remember this? Absolutely not. Huge advantage of having a horrible memory.
        2. Is my pride playing a role? Of course, especially when I’m feeling threatened. 
        3. Can I approach this from a different angle? Always.

If I want people to want to be around me…Hell, if I want to be around me, I need to make sure I’m inviting humor in. The people I love to be around are people who are able to laugh at themselves. They teach me the importance of putting my serious life into a not-so-serious perspective. 

Thank you, funny people. You are giving me so much more than a good laugh.

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