A tree branch is stuck between rocks and stones in a shallow river.

A River Runs Through It – How I Get Myself Unstuck

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The other day my good friend was talking about approaching life like a stick twisting and turning down a stream. Having grown up next to the Wepawaug, I’m a sucker for a river metaphor.

Something I know about a branch traveling through a body of water is that it can easily get caught up if it’s not in the center of the surge. I also know that the only things that can set a branch free are, a change of season, a storm, or outside help.

I appreciate the reminder to stay in the center if I want to be in the flow of life. It helps to remember that there are times when I just have to wait for a season to change to get unstuck. And, I’m old enough now to understand that I don’t have to resist a storm, knowing that it’s always there to strengthen me in some way. But when the rain isn’t falling, and the seasons aren’t changing, I have a choice to either stay stuck or depend on someone else to shift my position. But it’s up to me to seek the help I need to be set free.


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