Color photo of The Night Before Christmas book sitting on a window ledge. The book is illustrated by Mary Engelbreit

All I Want for Christmas V – Standing Up to the Bully of My Inner-Voice

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Recently, I started a new workout routine. I do pretty much the same thing everyday. But, the other thing that happens everyday? This little negative voice pops in my brain and tries to convince me that I’m not strong enough, fast enough, or going hard enough. Really? I didn’t wake up at 5:30am for this crap.

Because this voice is so clear and loud, I’ve decided that I’m actually going to the gym, not to exercise, but to face this friggin’ voice. And you know, the thing about this banter is that it doesn’t just show up on the treadmill. It shows up anytime I’m doing something new, or I’m tired, or I’m overwhelmed. Basically, it shows up when what I really need is a kind, loving, compassionate voice.

My friend (and by “friend” I mean therapist) likes to remind me that this negative voice is not the voice of self. She refers to it as the voice of the “interject.” She says that negative self-talk is from outside, it’s not my voice. Phewfers!

All I want for Christmas this year is to not let this voice win. I know it’s going to pop up, but I’m tired of listening to it. It’s a bully. I’m too old and wise to allow myself to be bullied anymore. Little voice, Santa’s taking you away so I can hear my true voice. The voice that wants to support, honor, and commend all of my hard work. 

All I Want for Christmas I
All I Want for Christmas II
All I Want for Christmas III
All I Want for Christmas IV

FEND FOR YOURSELF DAY is only a few days away!
I can hardly contain myself…
If you don’t know what you should be doing on December 26th yet—CLICK HERE

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