The word chimed in my chest like a bell. I was listening to a podcast while editing images. Two men were talking about their wives and one of the men referred to his wife as a “Powerhouse.” BAM—I could physically feel my heart ringing within my body.
As I mentioned in the post Doubt a few weeks ago, it was time for me to write a new mission statement. But, after hearing that word, I got it in my head that what I really needed to do was write, a Powerhouse Manifesto.
The manifesto is a work in progress. It’s always going to be changing because I’m always changing. But, it’s a touchpoint. When life presents challenges for me to face, this list provides a place for me to go to be reminded of who I am and what I stand for.
Confessions of a Recovering Micromanaging, Perfectionist, Martyr is ONE YEAR OLD this week, WHOOPEEEE!
A year ago, I got it in my head to start this thing and 52 posts later it’s ONE YEAR OLD.
A new mission statement feels like the perfect way to celebrate ONE YEAR.
by Mags DePetris
pow∙er∙house /’pou(ə)r,hous/
a person of great energy, strength and power
A Powerhouse…
♥MagsDePetris May 2018
Welcome to my blog turned podcast! Here you can listen or read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.
Join TeamConfessions, a.k.a. "TeamC"—the posts are super short—you’ve got this.
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