A table includes a variety of food and has several place settings.

Family Grace – a New Take on an Old Tradition

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Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to you. Expressing gratitude for what I’m most thankful for is the precise reason I put our pre-meal grace under the microscope years ago. When I recited the grace of my youth, I discovered that the focus was on the blessing of the food, which made complete sense because it was written at a time when food was scarce and gratitude should be bestowed upon it.

It is a true blessing that food is not scarce in our home, what we have to battle for is time together. Time to stop, hold hands and thank God for one another. That’s what I wanted our family to thank God for. The time of togetherness to share our experiences, thoughts, concerns, and ideas with each other.

DePetris Family Grace


We thank You for this family,

We thank You for its friends.

We thank You for those who came before

whose guidance never ends.

We thank You for this blessed day,

Both the joys and challenges faced.

And know, that with surrounding love and kindness,

Your will we shall embrace.

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