There are people who I get along with best when I have a deep connection to my inner peace. I’m able to take in their behavior, process it, mix it with a little compassion, toss in a handful of patience, and we’re good. This time of year, I do not have a deep connection to my inner peace.
My list is infested with invites and reminders for sign-ups, jamborees, picnics, practices, games, carpools, graduations, birthday parties, school projects, ceremonies, assemblies, concerts, permission slips to be signed, checks to be written, camp forms to be filled out, bills to be paid and, oh yeah, I still have to run a business. But how can I love and embrace those people who cross my path with requests who have no idea the amount of ‘invisible labor’ I do all day?
What I’ve come to appreciate about these folks is that they are the people who often trip my ‘Check Engine’(Dashboard) light on my dashboard. When I want to smack these people, I know Mama needs a time-the-hell-out. But how can I do that at this time of year? I’m going to start by acknowledging my exhaustion. I’m going to breathe. Then, I’ll try mixing it with a little compassion, toss in a handful of patience, and I should be good. (But if my right eye is twitching while you’re talking to me, you might want to take a few steps back).
Welcome to my blog turned podcast! Here you can listen or read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.
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