Observe and Adapt: How Changing the Schedule Can Change Our Lives

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My buddy Christine Woodside shared this with me in an email this week, “A scientist friend told me that Darwin, when talking about evolution, didn’t actually say ‘survival of the fittest,’ but ‘survival of the most adaptable.’”
After spring break, we made changes to the Social Distance Academy schedule and everyone liked them. But, once we were in the swing of things, I could feel myself getting annoyed with the children’s attention level at certain times during the day. Do I really have to change things again? Can’t I just force my schedule on the group?
I can easily observe and get my knickers in a bunch. I can even observe and try to control the situation. But corona is asking me again and again: Can I observe and adapt to what’s best for everyone involved?
So far, I feel like we’re adapting the crap out of this thing. But, ya know, our constant adapting doesn’t feel like just survival. When I change something and do what’s most beneficial, not just for me, but for the whole team, I truly feel like a qualified, capable, mature adult. Adaptation feels like an opportunity to thrive. However Corona—I’m just about adapted-out over here, so the faster you can run your course, the better chance these little people have at making it out safely.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
not the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin


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