A child holds a colorful maple leaf in their open hands.

Our Girl – What My Daughter Has Taught Me About Justice

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Today is our daughter’s birthday. To help you better understand our third child, G-Man describes her as, A Supreme Court Justice trapped in the body of a twelve-year-old girl.
From a very young age, she has had a deep understanding and concern about what is just and right in the world. Her father and I have been left speechless over the past decade as she has schooled us in her humane stance on politics, equality, and, of course, one of her favorites topics—sibling rivalry.
As we’ve witnessed her innate grasp of justice, it’s so clear that this deep awareness is all her own. A gift from God. It’s something we cherish, admire, and continue to learn from as she grows closer and closer to becoming much smarter than us.
Today I’d like to thank her for being a gleaming example that every single person deserves. Not only equal rights but also patience, compassion, mercy, and in some instances—much like in the case of her younger brother—retribution.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

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