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Summer Rewind #2 – The Power of the PLAN

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Yay, one of my favorite topics: planning! Team, this reboot episode doesn’t need a long introduction. I wrote the post last May, but the message is completely applicable today. 

Before we listen to that episode, another reminder:

I’m inviting our TeamConfessioners to contribute as guest writers for next season. I want to hear from YOU! 

Please click TeamC Summer Submission Campaign to learn everything you need to know to get involved. (There is a link to that page in the show notes if you’re not already on my website.)  

And here’s a little writer’s tip that I learned from Anne Lammot when I was first starting out: Write horrible first drafts! If I didn’t get this advice in the beginning of my writing career over 300 posts ago, we wouldn’t be here right now. Every single episode you listen to starts as a horrendous first draft. Start writing rubbish today! You will have plenty of time to finetune your submission. You can do this!

Now, it’s time to listen to this post from the spring of last year…I LOVE A PLAN!

The Power of the Plan


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    Welcome to my blog! Here you can read about what’s on my mind as I try my best to recover from screaming at my kids and nagging the bejesus out my husband.

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    Confessions of a recovering
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