A view looking down over a child holding the tail of a tie loosely tied around his neck.

Resurrection – Productivity in COVID Times

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There are several incredibly amusing jokes about not getting out of your PJ’s during social distancing. While I’m getting a kick out of them, I have to be careful. Through the years I’ve learned that my physical appearance actually has a deep impact on me. I remember this moment when I was brushing my hair between the gym and my next appointment. I realized that I was pulling myself together, not because I needed to look presentable for my next meeting, but because I wanted to look good for myself. With that in mind, who I see or don’t see in the course of a day should have little impact on the choices I make when I get ready in the morning.
In these COVID-19 times, I’ve noticed that my productivity can be measured by the tightness of my pants. The looser I go, the less I get done. I know that investing time in how I look will directly affect how I feel throughout the day. How I feel will directly affect how I treat myself. How I treat myself will affect how I treat others. Putting my clothes out the night before, blow drying my hair, getting dressed to my shoes—these all become important steps in my carona-self-care. And as it turns out, they also become very important steps in my corona-family-care as well. 

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