A view looking down at a person's shoes on the mat of a front doorstep. A backpack is on the mat.

Show up – The Best Thing to Do for Someone in Emotional Pain

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At dinner this December, I heard a toast that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. It was offered by our new friend Jeff to our dear friend Keith. Keith was being thanked for showing up time and time again, during the most important and challenging moments of Jeff’s life. What stuck in my memory was that Jeff wasn’t focused on any profound piece of advice or special gift he had received from Keith. By just showing up, Keith was able to deeply impact someone else’s life.
As a person who can complicate a cheese sandwich, the simplicity of this is perfect. Just show up – for me, my marriage, my children, my family, and my friends.
Thank you dinner friends for enlightening this gal who can easily convince herself that she always has to do more than just show up. Happy 2020, everyone.
And this post is another popular one with readers about bringing in the new year: Motivation
PLUS, Keith and his wonderful wife, Suzanne not only spend their time showing up for the people in their lives, but they are also devoted to making the world we live in a safer and more compassionate place to be. Please take a moment to learn more about the special work they are doing at The Raven Foundation
DOUBLE PLUS, while you’re at it, you should absolutely follow the kind and charismatic Jeff McLean on Instagram: @FarmerJeffMcLean


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