A blurred view of a calendar on the month of August.

Summer Rerun #6 – August, Do I Relax or Get Things Done?

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Today brings us to our last week of summer reruns. Thanks so much for taking the time to look back at some of my older posts with me. I really appreciate it. This week, you’ll hear me compare August and Sundays in a post from 20-17. I’m happy to say that I’ve worked out a lot of my Sunday issues with my “Sunday morning Planning Church.” I’ll put a link in the show notes in case you missed that episode, so you can check it out. 

I gotta say, with August coming up in a few days, I’m anxious to see if taking that time for perspective every Sunday makes a difference with my “August woes” this year. Team, I really think it will. Ok, enough out of me, enjoy the trip back to August 11th, 20-17…


August can feel like one really long Sunday to me. Sundays get me every time. Am I supposed to relax or get ready for the week? Damned if I know.

Years ago I was introduced to this reading which has gently suggested to me a new approach to life. One section reads, “I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself and relax. During this half-hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.” The thought of having an entire half-hour of peace and reflection, with four ding-dongs running about the house, seemed like an impossible task. But I’m (almost) always open to suggestions.

Before hearing this quote, I didn’t realize that I was just putting things on the list without taking the time to actually think about what I was doing or when I would do it. Carving out quiet time for me to gain perspective on my life allows a moment to logistically manage when the tasks will actually get accomplished. This really helps lower my stress. But, more importantly, it affords me the opportunity to decide if the chore should even be done at all.

Will I have thirty minutes from now till August 31st to peacefully reflect? It’s a stretch. But even ten to fifteen minutes can truly help me put my ‘to do’ list back into perspective. My father likes to say “I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time.” I’ve also been told, “God can move mountains but you have to bring the shovel.” I think somewhere in there is the balance between allowing myself space to enjoy the rest of the summer, while also setting aside time to get ready for what comes next.


And what comes next for us, Team, is that I will see you on the other side of August. Enjoy the rest of your summer. I look forward to joining you again this fall for all new episodes of Confessions of a Recovering Micromanaging Perfectionist Martyr. Bye for now! 

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