Mags sits on the counter in her laundry room, her arm resting on a load of laundry. Her expression conveys a question about tackling laundry on a 4-day work week, reflecting a moment of weekday reset and self-kindness.

Planning Ahead – A Self-Care Hack for After Holiday Mondays

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Team, guess what we have coming up next week? A Take It Easy Tuesday! And I want to be sure that I plan for it now. If you’re new to the Team, let’s go over this again.

On the Tuesday after a Monday holiday I have permission to completely adjust the expectations I have for myself. I can remember that I lost an entire weekday and things that I usually do on Mondays might not get done.

Talking about this on Friday helps me because I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, friends. Very often these holidays catch me completely off guard. Because, let’s be honest, I’m often the person who realizes it’s a Monday holiday… on Sunday at 9PM when one of my kids says, “I don’t have school tomorrow.”

“Wait, what?!”

So this post is my reminder to maybe pop that load of laundry in a little earlier this weekend. Hey, maybe I can grab a few extra things at the grocery store because having everyone home for the past month has meant that our pantry looks like a Costco sample table on a Saturday afternoon. Or, perhaps I’ll decide that what I really need is to rest and restore, and that everything else can friggin’ wait till next week—or not get done at all. 

No matter what I decide, I’m not going to approach it like I have in the past, which is to do twice as much stuff as I normally do on Tuesday. Guys, you know I always say it, and I can’t stop myself:

Not planning is easier, but it makes my life harder.
Planning is harder, but it makes my life so much easier.

I’ll put the link to my original post on this topic: Take It Easy Tuesday – Navigating Weekday Resets in the show notes. And next week, we’re going to be discussing how I can be a better friend and parent when people come to me for guidance.

And, before I leave you, a quick live reminder: It really helps me out when you guys share my posts with friends and family. If you haven’t done so in a while, please consider sharing this post, or another one you’ve enjoyed.

Thanks so much for listening TeamC!

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  1. What a beautiful piece! It truly encouraged me to embrace life as it is and to live more mindfully. I feel so motivated after reading this—thank you!

    • Thanks so much for your comment Nisha!

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