A piece of wood sitting on green grass that reads: THE JOY IS IN THE JOURNEY

The Fear of Dying – From Comfort Zone to Living Zone

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We have some travel coming down the pike and, for whatever reason, I got on the tract of projecting scary scenarios that no one wants to think about. While sharing this with a friend, she said, “Yes, the fear of dying can often become a fear of living.” She’s absolutely right, that’s exactly what was happening! The more I thought about traveling, the more I wanted to stay home. 

I have a brain that can think of countless reasons not to do things. I have to make sure I don’t entertain that voice. Instead of inviting her in for coffee, I need to learn how to shut the door—this way, I can get out of perpetually planning life and move into the gratification of living life.

I love the advice I just heard from one of my favorite actor/comedians…

“Here’s something my mom said to me in terms of happiness…. It can be a very minor thing, and it can be a major thing…. but you always have to have something you’re looking forward to next.”

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Something to look forward to next—yes, Julia. Lately, I’ve been consciously putting things on the calendar weekly that I’m looking forward to. For me that’s time with friends, my extended family, traveling, going to museums… you name it. It has brought so much happiness into my life. Now, of course Fear still knocks at my door. Especially while I’m making flight reservations! But, I just open it and say, “I get that you’re going to show up, but sorry, I’m just not interested in you holding me back anymore. Please carry on, and you can take Anxiety with you on your way out.” And then I can go right back to filling my life with Joy.

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  1. …. I’m pretty sure I have stopped planning anything big or small bc of fear. thanks for this incredible reminder. ox

    • Isn’t it so easy to get in the habit on playing it safe and you don’t even realize you’re in the habit of playing it safe?
      I too just need someone to point it out to me – then comes the work to change it. And for that, I need my Team.
      Thanks so much for commenting Christine!

  2. Well said Megan! You are so right. Fear will cripple us if we allow it to survive in our minds. We must consciously live in the glorious moments of looking ahead with positive energy/faith, enjoy planning these travels/experiences both near and far, and continue to find a purpose in every plan/journey we decide upon. Love you, Georgia

    • Yay! TeamConfessioners need to know that Miss Georgia Dickinson is one of the women who helped raise and shape me. Every mommy does it a little different, and every mommy can add to the kid-sundae. So many life lessons from this gem of a human, and I pass those riches onto my kids, and I’m sure they’ll pass them onto theirs–I love the way this stuff works. SUCH a blessing you are, Georgia!

  3. Enjoy your travels, Mags & Co!

    • Thanks so much Julie!

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