ReaLISTic – Are My Lists at This Time of the Year Realistic?

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Are my lists at this time of the year realistic?

There are some extra helpings on our proverbial Christmas plate this holiday season. Things we couldn’t control, prepare for, or sidestep. But all of these obligatory things are oozing with opportunities to connect with and cherish people we deeply care for. This month, G-Man and I will be preparing things for people we love, building things for people we love, and showing up to protect, comfort, and support people we love. One thing that rapidly ambushes my time is when I allow other people’s expectations of me to take priority over my own intentions.

“The fact that I don’t live up to your expectations is a mistake on your part, not a failure on mine.”
Richard Feynman

Over these next three weeks, can I prioritize my own goals? Can I be gentle to myself? Can I make space for downtime and restoration so that I can be present and available to the people and things that are most important to me? Even if that makes other people unhappy?

When my lists are unrealistic, I’m serving the wrong Higher Power. Life has afforded me a chance to soak myself in the true spirit of Christmas this year. My prayer is that I continually protect my time from becoming an invitation to an Exhausted-Martyrdom-Resentment Party. For me, that means going over what I’ve written on the list to make sure my tasks align with my intentions for the season. This should be a sinch.

And if you feel like you need even more motivation to Do Less. this year, click on the turquoise link. 

Fend For Yourself Day 2019
December 26th, The best day of the calendar year!
I would make signs for it, but you don’t have to decorate for it, or send cards,
or hang wreaths, or light candles–you simply have to DECLARE IT,
There. You’re done. Best fake holiday EV-ER.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about READ THIS


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